IN THE PRESS: Erin & Justin on DWeddings

I had my wedding dress made from scratch. At the last fitting two days before Shaun's and my wedding, the long sleeves had been completely removed from the bodice. I suspect Margo anticipated a fury of panic, as she offered preemptive reassurances that the sleeves would be reattached in time. I was neither worried nor anxious and had early-on surrendered to Margo's dressmaking magic. My mother told me after the wedding that upon retrieving my dress (in its flawless, long-sleeved glory), Margo had remarked, "she must be marrying the right man!" Obviously, she was right, because I married the absolute best person, but what's more is that I hadn't realized until that moment just how important the wedding details had not been to me. It truly didn't matter if I (gasp!) had to get married without sleeves on the dress or didn't like the centerpieces (which I loved, by the way, as STEMS of Dallas left me stunned). At the end of the day on March 2, 2013, Shaun and I were going to be married, and that was truly the only matter of consequence.

So, fast-forward to October 24, 2015, the wedding day of Erin Finegold and Justin White. Dallasites may remember the unyielding deluge we received that weekend, when it simply would not...stop........raining. I'm sure the tent rental companies remember it because they assuredly had a Black Friday situation on their hands. Not only were Erin and Justin the very picture of poise, exuding joy and excitement throughout the wedding weekend, but they touted to us the very advice we would have given them: "At the end of the day, we're going to be married, and that's all that matters!" And that's when the Menarys fell in love with the Whites. These two are kind, genuine, and top-notch partiers. Sometimes we make such good friends with our clients that writing a blog post about them seems silly, so I'll leave it at that. 

Despite the adverse weather, the wedding was stunningly beautiful. All the professionals slammed hands on deck to move everything indoors and create a seamless event. I'm pretty sure nobody even knew there had been a major change of plan. So to all the wedding professionals on this one: you guys really pulled a rabbit out of a hat here, such good work! And thank you so much to D Weddings for featuring one of our new favorite couples!

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A heartfelt THANK YOU to this team of talent that made this one beautiful. You all did a truly wonderful job.

Wedding coordinator: Kristin Butler, Fabulous Fête
Prep venue: Crescent Hotel
Wedding venue: Arlington Hall at Lee Park
Hair and makeup: Brittany Jones
Videographer: Mark Davis, Davis Studios
Band: Empire 6
Caterer: Food Glorious Food
Furniture rentals: Suite 206
Linen rentals: BBJ Linen
Rings: Skibell Fine Jewelry

For more work from this Dallas wedding photographer and destination wedding photographer, visit a few galleries. For pricing and FAQs, visit the Information page, and to check availability, fill out the online contact form.


Meet Mrs. Mellon


IN THE PRESS: Ashley & Clay on