#1 Nephew

I got to go have some great family time last week, which happens far too rarely as of late.  My parents, sister, brother-in-law, and if you've been following my work for any amount of time you're sure to know that I have a nephew, Bryce.  It was a sweet time of talking, hanging, and eating.  My mother is pretty much the BEST cook ever.  She shows her love by feeding you until you have to literally roll away from the table to the couch, where you then pass out and slip deep into a food coma.  Glorious.  Bryce is 2.5 years old now and is growing up so fast.  He's a little terror right now, but so funny and smart.  He's the #1 nephew in the world......for a few more months anyway.  Then there will be an entirely NEW nephew....a baby brother for Bryce named Jackson Houser!!  Then there will be two #1 nephews.  Jackson is making his big debut at the end of this post.  Until then, enjoy the many faces of Bryce at 2.5 yrs: (When my sister knows I'm coming over she always puts Bryce in his StarWars tshirt for me...because I am a nerd...and a fanatic.  Thanks Lindsey.)



Bryce and his favorite Uncle.  Uncle Thsawn. bryce_2009b_0043_edit_bw

Who loves puttin (aka..pudding)? This kid! bryce_2009b_comp2




Say hello to Jackson!! bryce_2009b_0054_edit


Live at the Casa De Blue


Seth Philpott Rocks